1 Years of Outer Space Gamelan, or 50,000+ Page Views Can't Be Wrong...Can They?

Especially since a good 75% of those page views are just me.
It was actually yesterday that this blog turned 1, but I only realized it today. Indeed, on May 16, 2006, I posted an embryonic review of Merzbow's "Turmeric" that I never went back and re-touched. 221 posts later (equalling roughly 250 reviews - that's it?!) I still haven't gotten tired of writing, though I'm sure some of you have gotten tired of reading. Nevertheless, a heartfelt thank you to anybody who reads this, or posts comments, or writes emails, or sends in things to be written about, or puts a link to it on their blog, or tells someone else about it. My updating schedule has been pretty spotty lately but regular daily posts should resume next week for good...I hope. Anyway I'll be back to post something tomorrow, but I'll have you know Monday is a holiday in Canadaland so I'll also be enjoying the long weekend. Sit tight till then, and again, thanks.
I can't explain the album cover I used up there for this post. It just felt right.
Happy Anniversary! Great site...one of my favorites of the past year. Keep it up, I'm checking in daily.
Your time is definitely appreciated. I really don't know how you do it.
i just stumbled across your blog a few months ago, i don't even remember what it was in reference to but ever since that night i bookmarked it and have come back daily as well. We enjoy lots of the same stuff so it's always good to hear your take on things, plus your reviews have steered me towards some cool shit that i might have missed otherwise. here's to another year reviewing records.
Happy Blogbirthday. Keep on ruling, and thanks for helping me discover some neato music, especially Six Organs of Admittance.
thanks, i'll start expressing my gratitude, if it weren't for you i would have left many stones unturned.
happy anniversary Matt! You're doing such a great job in reviewing something every day, I wish i could do that. And the writing is just superb, tongue in cheek, expertise, wit, you got it all. I'm not kidding!
keep it up dude
Nice work, my brother.
Hey !
Thanx a lot for all this great reviews. I'm checking them daily. One of the best blogs I've ever seen.
although not always exactly my kind of music, i am a daily viewer. keep the noise coming please!
my favorite site for reviews on the internet! keep it up!
congrats on the landmark - keep up the good work! I read your blog more than I even write in mine!
Congrats Matt!
Just wanted to pop in to commend you on your great website! Nice, in-depth and insightful writing, interesting cds and semi-daily updates ... This really is one of my favorie blogs!
OSG is one of my favorite ways of milking the clock when I'm supposed to be working. Happy 1st anniversary!
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